
Fedora 33: font rendering

Packages from this repository improve font rendering in fedora a lot:

sudo dnf copr enable dawid/better_fonts -y
sudo dnf install fontconfig-font-replacements fontconfig-enhanced-defaults levien-inconsolata-fonts -y
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface document-font-name "Cantarell 11"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name "Cantarell 11"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name "Inconsolata 13"
| 30 Dec 2020

fedora: Lockdown a kernel version

Fedora typically keeps 3 latest kernel versions. However, what if you want to keep an old specific kernel version which is known to work well with your system? First, we need to install a dnf plugin that allows us to keep a specific version of any package:

sudo dnf install python3-dnf-plugins-extras-versionlock

Lets find all available kernel versions for your system:

sudo dnf list kernel --showduplicates

Install that specific version of the kernel:

sudo dnf install kernel-5.3.7-301.fc31

And lock it:

sudo dnf versionlock add kernel-5.3.7-301.fc31

To remove the lock:

sudo dnf versionlock delete kernel-5.3.7-301.fc31
| 1 Jan 2020

Lxd on Fedora 31

Fedora 31 has started to use cgroups v2 by default. According to Common F31 bugs it doesn’t play nice with Docker, lxd and others. To make fedora switch back to the old cgroups:

sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"
| 1 Jan 2020

Automatically start application during the boot

To start an application automatically in fedora, you need to create a *.desktop file in the directory ~/.config/autostart, for example:

gedit ~/.config/autostart/flux.desktop

The content of the file can be something like:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/jsn/app/xflux -l 52.3837151 -g 4.8806328
| 1 Jan 2015

How to find out which package provides a specific file

If you need to find out, for example, which package in fedora provides htpasswd command, you may do it with the command:

yum provides \*bin/htpasswd
| 1 Jan 2015