
Change DNS nameservers using NetworkManager

sudo nmcli connection modify <connection name> ipv4.dns ""

Apply changes:

sudo nmcli dev reapply <interface>
| 30 Dec 2021

How to reload the connection with NetworkManager

Reload interface configuration:

sudo nmcli connection reload

This command will ONLY make NetworkManager aware of new configuration changes. To apply the new changes, run the following command:

sudo nmcli dev reapply <interface>
| 30 Dec 2021

Connect dedicated servers with cloud servers in hetzner via vSwitch

Main article is provided by Hetzner team here. This article contains instructions for creating vlan interface in Centos 8 using nmcli.

Assumptions (same us in the main article + listed below):

  • VLAN ID is 4001
  • parent network interface is enp195s0


  1. Create new connection:
nmcli connection add type vlan con-name vlan4001 ifname vlan4001 vlan.parent enp195s0 vlan.id 4001
  1. Configure the connection:
nmcli connection modify vlan4001 802-3-ethernet.mtu 1400
nmcli connection modify vlan4001 ipv4.addresses ''
nmcli connection modify vlan4001 ipv4.gateway ''
nmcli connection modify vlan4001 ipv4.dns ''  # (optional)
nmcli connection modify vlan4001 ipv4.method manual
nmcli connection modify vlan4001 +ipv4.routes ""
  1. Restart the connection
nmcli connection down vlan4001
nmcli connection up vlan4001
  1. Verify configuration
# Prints what gateway is used to reach the ip
ip route get

# Print all connection information
nmcli connection show vlan4001

# Print routing table
ip r

# Use tui interface for NetworkManager
dnf install NetworkManager-tui

Restarting NetworkManager wasn’t enough to apply custom routes. Bring interface up and down

And the link to the great RedHat documentation

| 15 May 2021