
top-like application for intel GPU

Top-like application to monitor performance of intel GPU:

sudo dnf install igt-gpu-tools
sudo intel_gpu_top

Playing 4k video sample on youtube (intel i3-8100T):

intel-gpu-top: Intel Coffeelake (Gen9) @ /dev/dri/card0 - 1063/1083 MHz;    1% RC6;  7.35/19.18 W;      467 irqs/s

      IMC reads:     6889 MiB/s
     IMC writes:     3901 MiB/s

          ENGINE      BUSY                                      MI_SEMA MI_WAIT
     Render/3D/0   98.29% |██████████████████████████████████▍|      0%      0%
       Blitter/0    0.00% |                                   |      0%      0%
         Video/0    0.00% |                                   |      0%      0%
  VideoEnhance/0    0.00% |                                   |      0%      0%

Playing the same video in 1080p (intel i3-8100T)::

intel-gpu-top: Intel Coffeelake (Gen9) @ /dev/dri/card0 -  591/ 591 MHz;   30% RC6;  3.06/ 6.47 W;      474 irqs/s

      IMC reads:     4058 MiB/s
     IMC writes:     2654 MiB/s

          ENGINE      BUSY                                      MI_SEMA MI_WAIT
     Render/3D/0   55.64% |███████████████████▍               |      0%      0%
       Blitter/0    0.00% |                                   |      0%      0%
         Video/0    0.00% |                                   |      0%      0%
  VideoEnhance/0    0.00% |                                   |      0%      0%
| 18 Jan 2021

Install multimedia codecs in fedora

If you are experiencing high CPU usage when watching videos on youtube, verify that the following packages are installed (requires RPMFusion repository):

# RPMFuison repositories
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

# Codecs
sudo dnf install gstreamer1-plugins-{bad-\*,good-\*,base} gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-libav --exclude=gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel
sudo dnf install lame\* --exclude=lame-devel
sudo dnf group upgrade --with-optional Multimedia

CPU usage for i3-8100T is down from 80% to 50% with this video sample

| 16 Jan 2021

High CPU usage on youtube in fedora

I’ve started to experience quite high CPU usage when watching youtube videos on 1440p screen (video sample). By default, youtube loads videos in VP9 codec. Using this codec results in 80% CPU usage (i3-8100T). By installing this extension enhanced-h264ify and by blocking VP8, VP9 and AV1, youtube will load videos in avc1(h.264) codec. The CPU usage is down to about 30%.

Unfortunately, this will disable all 4k videos - they are available only in VP9.

| 14 Jan 2021