1. Install IP Camera. The application is free, with minimal adds. Compared to DroidCam, it allows you to stream FullHD video
  2. Install dependencies:
sudo dnf install ffmpeg v4l2loopback akmod-v4l2loopback
  1. Verify that v4l2loopback is loaded:
lsmod | grep v4l2loopback
  1. If it is not loaded, run this command:
akmods --kernels $(uname -r) --rebuild
# Confirm that it was loaded
  1. On mobile phone, start the application and select “Start server” from the menu. Select also “Fade” option to set minimal brightness of the mobile phone screen.
  2. On desktop, run the following command:
ffmpeg -i -vf format=yuv420p -f v4l2 /dev/video0

If for some reason v4l2loopback module is not compiled correctly, you can try to compile it manually by following this instruction